The following should be helpful in understanding many of the groups which play a major role here at the Venetian.

VG&RC Community Association
The VGRCCA (Venetian Golf & River Club Community Association) is a voluntary membership association founded in 2008. The Association not only produces the popular monthly electronic newsletter, “Parcels from Paradise,” but also has a strong voice in the Venice community at large. VGRCCA representatives may appear before the City of Venice Planning Commission or City Council, or interface with other City and County officials concerning land development projects and other external issues of concern. The Community Association conducts many well-attended free educational seminars at The River Club and organizes community-minded projects, such as the Hurricane Response Team, the Laurel Road cleanup, the placement of flags for 3 national holidays and “Bike-O-Rama.” An 11-member Board elected by the membership governs the Association, which has a small membership fee (up to three-year memberships for best value). Board Meetings, announced a week in advance, are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at the River Club and are open to all members. The Community Association’s website,, contains a membership application and is packed with useful and current information including Hurricane Response, the Wall of Something (electronic bulletin board) and useful links to other organizations both within The Venetian and in the wider community, making it a great one-stop source for information.
VG&RC Property Owner Association
The POA (Property Owners Association or Master Association) is responsible for upholding the Venetian’s deed restrictions and regulations, together with the committees that were created for that purpose: the Architectural Control Committee, the Traffic Committee and the Rules Committees. In addition, your POA dues pay for the basic cable television service that is provided to every home in the community. The POA also owns the boardwalk and preserve area on the Myakka River. For a copy of the ACC Standards, the Venetian Rules & Regulations, or any issues relating to deed restrictions and violations, please contact the Property Manager at Resident Portal or 855-947-2636.
Venetian Community Development District
The VCDD (Venetian Community Development District) manages the Venetian River Club as well as a large part of your community. VCDD responsibilities include the maintenance of common area landscaping, lakes, lake banks, wetlands, streets, sidewalks, entry fountains, mailbox/post lights, street lighting and the gate house. They are also responsible for providing the privacy services.
Visit the VCDD’s website at for information such as:
- Board of Supervisors Meeting Dates
- Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- Financial Information such as Budgets and Audits
- River Club Committees; Members, Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes
- River Club Rules and Fee Schedule
- How to Contact Board Supervisors and Rizzetta & Co, the VCDD District Manager
- Other Important Announcements
For Information specific to the Venetian River Club, go to their website at:
The River Club’s General Manager is Bernard Santiago. Bernard is responsible for all River Club related issues. He can be reached at (941) 441-2272 or at
The Venetian CDD’s Field Manager is Keith Livermore. Keith is responsible for all “Field” issues such as landscaping, irrigation, the gatehouse, mailbox maintenance and street lighting. He can be reached at 941–485-8500 or at
The VCDD’s managing company is Rizzetta & Co and representing them, in addition to Keith, is our District Manager, Belinda Blandon. Belinda is responsible for all Board related items such as agendas, minutes, hearings, announcements, as well as financial and legal related items. Belinda can be reached at or at 239–936-0913.
Belinda Blandon can also be contacted for field related items in Keith’s absence.
The Golf Club
The Golf Club is privately owned by Heritage Golf Group. For more information, visit Venetian Golf Club.