- Parcels from Paradise — A monthly electronic newsletter provided to all Venetian residents. It keeps residents informed of proposed developments near the Venetian, reports on important activities being discussed by City government officials, includes a calendar of events, and other items. This has become the primary source of information for all residents.
- Community Directory — Compiles resident data and arranges for the publishing of an annual directory of resident information. This invaluable resource is used extensively by the VGRC Community.
- Citizens Advisory Board — a member of the VGRCCA sits on the Citizens Advisory Board of the City of Venice. The CAB works to make advisory recommendations regarding specific topics of interest as determined and requested by the city council.
- Jacaranda Extension: A secondary outlet — Initially, there was only one way in or out of the Venetian via Laurel Road. After successfully lobbying with the County and City, a secondary road was built and opened in October, 2013. The VGRCCA was able to target $5.5 million in road impact fees from another project to this vital project. This road provides a needed secondary outlet for residents.
- Town Hall Meetings — The VGRCCA conducts an annual meeting for Venetian residents presenting speakers to address key issues in the area. Speakers include elected officials, land developers and others of interest to our community.
- Adopt A Road Project — VGRCCA originated and will maintain Laurel Road as part of Sarasota County’s anti-litter campaign. Laurel Road from Knights Trail to the entrance of the Venice Myakka Park will be cleaned on a periodic basis by volunteers from the VGRCCA.
- Educational Seminars — the VGRCCA conducts educational seminars on a wide variety of subjects. Medical, legal, safety, and nature are just some of the topics covered. These are made available free of charge to all Venetian residents.
- Gateway to North Venice — Working with various government and private entities, the VGRCCA spearheaded the Bold Landscaping project that enhances the entrance to North Venice at the Laurel Road interchange of I‑75.
- VGRCCA.ORG— An updated web site has been developed that provides pertinent information for residents as well as association financials and past copies of Parcels. A central calendar of all VGRC activities and association meetings are maintained here.
- Bike-O-Rama — This annual event gives members an opportunity for a free safety and maintenance check on their bikes. New styles of bikes and other equipment are also available as well.
- Hurricane Response Team — the HRT is a comprehensive plan that is implemented during and after a hurricane assuming the Venetian employees or their service providers are unable to return to the property. The HRT consists of dozens of resident volunteers who have specific assignments once the plan is implemented. The HRT showed its value when it had to be employed during Hurricane Irma in 2017.
- Landscape Buffer — Secured restrictive stipulations from the mining and industrial companies along the Northern border of the VGRC. The negotiations included funding for the cost of planting two landscape buffers on the Northern end of the Venetian property.
- Pipeline Project — The VGRCCA successfully worked with the City, County and the Peace River Authority during the construction of a water pipeline on Laurel Road. This involvement secured the paving of the road leading into the Myakka River Park. Extensive landscape buffering and a security fence were also installed.
- Candidate Forum — The VGRCCA provides residents an opportunity to hear from City and County officials who are running for local elected offices.
- Noise Ordinance — Worked with the Venice City Manager and Police Chief to re-interpret the City’s noise ordinance resulting in more stringent control of noise sources from the industrial area to the North.
- Salute to America — as part of its community betterment project, places flags throughout the Venetian on Veterans’ Day, Memorial Day and the 4th of July.
- Bike Rack — As part of its community improvement project, the VGRCCA provided funds to purchase an additional bike rack, used by those children waiting for the school bus.
- CPR Training– Working closely with the Venice Fire Department, CPR Training is offered annually on site to all Venetian residents.
- Shredfest — Allows all VGRCCA members an opportunity to dispose of all their old documents and paper products and available on site.
- Land Development at Laurel Road and Knights Trail — representatives from the VGRCCA serves on an advisory board, lending advice to the potential developer of this site.
- River Walk plaques — The VGRCCA provided the funding to replace all of the existing plaques on the River Walk with new ones.
- Governmental Relationships — The VGRCCA has established very important relationships with both the City of Venice and Sarasota County government officials.
- Venice Police Relationship — A member of the VGRCCA serves as a contact person as part of the Venice PD’s “Community Outreach Program,” meeting with the COP officer assigned to the Venetian.
- Flag Pole — funded the installation of a permanent and lit US flag at the entrance to the Venetian.
- Park Benches — Donated funds to build and place park benches on both Veneto Blvd and Pesaro Drive.
- Sarasota Memorial Hospital-Spearheaded a letter campaign to gain approval for the construction of the Venice location of Sarasota Memorial Hospital and continue to serve on the Sarasota Memorial Hospital community advisory council. Wrote letters to Florida State Certificate of Need department to support approval from State of Florida. Gave a deposition from lawyers representing Venice Regional Hospital and Sarasota Memorial Hospital in a lawsuit. This huge effort included getting letters of support from Publix, Pat Neal, John Peshkin, multiple HOAs, AC, Nielsen, Tervis Tumbler, and other companies, all sent to state of Florida.
- Land Development at Laurel Road and Knights Trail,-Mirasol Property-Representatives from the VGRCCA serve on an advisory board, lending advice to development of this 50 acre site. Participated in buffering and landscaping decisions for the Treviso Apartments, Senior Living facility and a 7‑Eleven gas station to protect our community interests.
- Widening of Laurel Road-Spent countless hours writing letters, attending meetings and giving presentations over the years to 1. Widen and beautify East Laurel Road between Knights Trail and Jacaranda and 2. Create a Northeast Venice Park. We have finally reached the point where initial funding has been made available for both projects.
- Candidate Meetings-Held many face-to-face meetings for every election cycle with all City Mayoral and Council candidates to assure that they fully understand our positions on local issues that affect Venetian homeowners’ property values and quality of life.
- Baskets for Heroes- Collected basket heroes for Venice Bayfront Hospital workers.
- School Supply Drive-Provided community donations of money and supplies to the Laurel Nokomis School for the school year 2020–2021.
If you are a member, thank you for your continual support.